Hi! In today's video, I will explain if a home-based business or home-based franchises are eligible for the E-2 Visa. That's a question many people have.
The US law doesn't specifically say that home-based businesses are or are not eligible for the E2 Visa. What does says is that the company must be non-marginal, meaning: to be big enough to create a positive impact in the US economy, creating jobs and considerable profit.
And usually, that's not the case for most of the home-based business, especially with employees.
Depending on the business when we consider the operational aspects, it may be possible to start from home and even so to have excellent potential to create jobs and profitability in a short period. Google started from a garage, for example. Some service-based franchises, where a team of employees goes to a client to execute the job, may allow the owner to start from home and then move to a commercial location as the business grows.
Nonetheless, for E2 Visa purposes having a home-based company, even at the beginning, is not recommended by most Immigration Attorneys. Despite the enterprise potential, in general, the chances are higher to be considered marginal.
The three main pillars for a strong E-2 Visa case are substantial and adequate investment amount, job creation, and profitability. Having an office or commercial site to run the operation is part of the context to show the company is not marginal. Depending on the business segment, in most cases, doesn't need to be a fancy or expensive location.
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