Hi! In today’s video I will talk about the circumstances an e2 visa applicant can have a business partner. This topic is not so simple and many people have questions about it, especially regarding the total investment amount.
First of all we need to understand that exists 2 scenarios: the first one is when there’s two foreigner partners, both applying for the E2 Visa. In this case each one of them needs to own 50% of the company and contribute with 50% of the investment.
As I’ve mentioned in a previous video, most Immigration Attorneys suggest investments over 100,000 in order to have a strong E2 Visa case. And a good aspect of this business structure is that this amount doesn’t need to increase just because there’s two applicat’s investing in the same company. Taking 100,000 as example, each partner would only need to invest 50,000. It’s important to keep in mind that other factors are also taken into consideration for a strong E2 Visa case, and the higher the investments better are the chances to get the visa approved.
The second scenario is when the business partner is not from a country eligible for the E2 visa, like an American business partner for example. In this case the necessary amount to be invested in the company is slightly different. The E2 visa applicant will need to own at least 50% of the company, and the funds must come primarily from him, being substantial in face of the total amount.
To help determinate what's substantial regarding the E2 Visa applicant share, we can use a scale of values. If the total investment is under 150,000, the E2 Visa applicant should own 100% of the company and invest 100% of the capital. If the investment is between 150,000 and 500,000 the applicant must invest at least 75% and if it’s over 500,000, then at least 50%, the minimum possible ownership an E2 visa applicant can have.
I hope I could clarify this topic. Especially for E2 Visa applicants knowing that they can have a business partner also applying for the Visa and that won’t necessary increase the minimum recommended investment amount, has been a valuable information for many applicants.
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